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Advising and supporting charities to address strategic, financial and operational challenges through bespoke and sustainable solutions.
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Child soldiers international


About Me

As an experienced change management consultant, interim charity leader, and qualified accountant, my expertise lies in collaborating with charities to co-create and navigate critical change within their organisations. Partnering with leadership and Boards, we forge new pathways towards more agile, optimised, and sustainable organisations.

Working alongside inspiring leaders and incredible teams, I've gained a dynamic and interconnected skillset over the course of my career. I’ve been dedicated to fostering growth and facilitating impactful transformations within the commercial, public, and charity sectors globally for decades.

These days, my focus is directed towards supporting and advising purpose-driven, socially focused organisations, committed to making our world a better place. Together, we delve into their unique challenges, charting a course through change that not only ensures survival but fosters thriving resilience amidst the ever-evolving nonprofit landscape.

My approach is collaborative and collegiate. Shoulder-to-shoulder with stakeholders, I delve deep into the intricacies of an organisation’s challenges, dissecting root causes and entrenched, systemic issues. Why? Because I believe that understanding the core of a problem is the critical first step towards developing targeted solutions. Tailored. Measurable. Transformative.

Let's connect today for an open and complimentary 30-minute conversation. There's no pressure or commitment required – just a chance to explore how we can overcome your organisation's challenges together.

For a full CV see Linkedin Here.




In times of uncertainty, charities facing existential challenges require the expertise to ensure strategic revival. Working discreetly with you and your trustees, I conduct a thorough assessment, develop a customised revival plan and oversee implementation. I will support you every step of the way to transform challenges into opportunities and guide you from crisis to renewed purpose. Together we will breathe new life into your organisation, guiding it back onto the path of sustainability and success, safeguarding your mission for a brighter future.

Change Management

Navigating change within a charity requires a delicate balance of strategic insight and empathetic guidance.By fostering open communication, garnering stakeholder buy-in, and implementing proven strategies, I support charities in revitalising their mission-driven work. From strategic realignment to optimising finance and operations, I will work with you to craft solutions tailored to every facet of your organisation. Let’s work together to not only address immediate concerns but also lay the foundation for a sustainable and impactful future, ensuring you emerge stronger than ever before.

Strategic & Operational Planning

When the charity sector as a whole faces multiple challenges from inflation, high cost of living and the knock on effect on funding, achieving your mission in the face of income pressure requires an incisive, tactical and nimble approach. This is where the twin pillars of success, strategic planning and operational planning, come into play. Strategic planning is the compass that helps you make informed decisions, allocate resources wisely, and stay focused on the big picture. It's the art of charting a course for success while embracing flexibility to adapt to changing waters. Operational planning transforms these strategies into tangible, measurable results, ensuring that your day-to-day efforts are purposeful and in sync with your larger mission. Reach out and let’s discuss how we can chart your course for a more sustainable, impactful future.

Process Improvement & Workflow Optimisation

The repercussions of operational inefficiencies and suboptimal processes are significant and far-reaching, often risking a charity’s ability to fulfil its overarching mission. Ineffective workflows lead to resource wastage, causing valuable manpower and financial assets to be squandered on redundant tasks and convoluted procedures. These can lead to a loss of morale among staff and volunteers, hindering collaboration, and diminishing organisational effectiveness. Critically, this often results in slow decision-making and response times, impacting the organisation’s readiness to address emerging threats or opportunities. With my deep understanding of charity operations and resource management, I collaborate closely with your team to conduct comprehensive assessments of your existing processes. Together, we craft improved processes that seamlessly blend technological solutions, stakeholder engagement, and streamlined methodologies. My methodology is grounded in fostering a culture of continuous improvement, empowering your team with the skills and tools necessary to sustain positive change long after our engagement concludes. Reach out now for a no-cost discussion on how we can enhance your charity's operational effectiveness, ultimately enabling you to redirect more resources towards your impactful mission and the communities you serve.

Interim Leadership

In times of executive transition, an organisation requires more than just a placeholder; it demands a steady pair of hands and a guiding presence who can seamlessly bridge the gap between past accomplishments and future aspirations. As an experienced senior interim leader, I bring to the table a wealth of experience and a track record of stewarding seamless change.My leadership style is rooted in collegiality and professionalism, fostering a collaborative environment where open communication flourishes. I am able to rapidly assess your organisation's culture, strengths, challenges and risks, ensuring I’m up to speed and ready to contribute quickly.In summary, I am more than an interim leader; I am a steadfast partner during times of transition, a mentor for the incoming leadership, and the glue that holds your teams together through uncertain times. Whether you need short term support while you recruit the permanent role, or you need a longer term interim while you rethink structure and resource, I am here to provide strategic guidance, operational stability, and a seamless bridge towards a brighter future. Reach out and let’s discuss how I can contribute to your charity's success during these critical moments of change.

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We love Karina. She's amazing. And other amazing quote.
Athena - CEO, The Eve Appeal

Get in touch

If you're a leader in the UK charity sector seeking transformational leadership to optimise your organisation, let's connect.
Together, we'll drive change, elevate impact, and navigate the evolving terrain of charity leadership.